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"The innovation and inspiration to every athlete in the world" is a declaration of Nike. In early 2006, the advent of Air Max 360 technology innovation makes the NIKE entered a new era, 360-degree air cushion technology will NIKE air cushion technology to the top. Fall 2006, NIKE strike again, this technology will be widely used, continue to expand, in basketball shoes and running shoes are injected into the essence of Air Max 360 technology to provide more innovation and inspiration to athletes enjoy.

Nike Air Max is a highly sought after classic series, the visibility of the air-cushion design (Visible Air) forged the Nike brand 25 years of legendary status, as early as 25 years ago, NIKE virtue QiDianXie rewrite history. Runners put it, there will be a different feeling now, however, this critical technology is hidden in the foam material of the shoes in the bottom among consumers is invisible. By chance, a designer at the time of inspection NIKE samples found in the shoe midsole foam sandwich when removed from the mold left some this hole inside part of the cushion unit. This discovery forever changed the face of the industry.
NIKE released in 1987 Air Max shoes, marking the beginning of visible type of technology. Since then, each generation of Air Max sneakers have been before on the basis of improved, providing more cushioning, but also highlights the growing ability to innovate. Ultimately, this revolution has reached a successful launch by Air Max 360, this is the first double no foam midsole running shoes. Also based on the new Air Max unit, NIKE's footwear designer Andrew Caine had inspiration to create a revolutionary Air Max180 shoes.
Speaking of shoes, the most important thing is to have a good cushioning sole in order to minimize the damage caused by the impact. Nike Air Max series on running shoes, the soles are made from the air. Andrew tried to Air Max 360 running shoes in the revolutionary technology used in the Air Max 180. Through close collaboration with footwear development division Hans Guenther, Andrew carefully studied the entire palm cushion, and determine what parts should be air-cushion in half, giving the Air Max180 a no-foam in the heel.
By Air Max 180 running shoe design, Andrew Nike Air shoes want to keep going. He carefully studied the previous sections of the Air Max shoes, clear this series of key elements of sports shoes, and then start drawing sketches, thus designed a creative work. By using the pad leather, Andrew not only for new non bubble Max 180 running shoes built up the frame and the foot and the heel to provide a strong support. And this approach in the Air Max series is also quite common. Flex grooves designed sneakers by the front part of the foot, elastic shoe has been strengthened, but also presents a dynamic beauty.